he invented the pascal triangle . it is a triangle where every two numbers add up to the number below them while there are all 1's going all the way down each diagonal side of the triangle. he also invented the first mechanical calculator machine.
Blaise Pascal invented pathway questions.
Blaise Pascal.
pascal triangle
No. 1 mm Hg = 133.3224 pascal 350 mm Hg = 46662.84 pascal 1 pascal = 0.0075006 mm Hg 350 pascal = 2.62522 mm Hg
I am not aware of any special meaning in math. In physics, it is short for pascal, a unit of pressure.
ask pascal for more details
Pascal Swirls Pascal invented the Pascal pressure scale
Blaise Pascal invented pathway questions.
Which Pascal compiler do you mean? Pascal compiler can be written in Pascal, of course.
Pascal Pinaud has written: 'Pascal Pinaud'
Pascal Gentil is 198.5 cm.
blaise pascal didn't discover Pascal's Triangle the Persians and Chinese discovered it.
Blaise Pascal is associated with mathematics, physics, and philosophy. He made significant contributions to these fields, including the development of Pascal's triangle, Pascal's law of fluid mechanics, and Pascal's wager in philosophy.
PASCAL has 3 definitions actually. They are:- 1. Programming Language Based For Blaise Pascal. 2. Pedantry and Strictness Created A Language. 3. Philips Automatic Source Calculator.
Blaise Pascal
blaise pascal