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Anything that was taxable (excise duty) Alcoholic Beverages for instance.

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Q: What did smugglers smuggle in the old days?
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What did smugglers usually smuggle in the olden days?

they usually stole cigarettes, diamonds, dogs, and people like workers!

What do people smugglers think of asylum seekers?

People Smugglers think of asylum seekers as items to smuggle into countries.

A British sentences with the word smuggle?

The smugglers tried to sneak their contraband goods past the customs officials by hiding them in a secret compartment in their car.

What did smugglers smuggle?

Contraband cigarette, dogs, chewing gum, bubble gum, illegal workers , drugs, fossils, diamonds

How old was Sam in The Gold Smugglers?

20 years

When did Smuggle Truck happen?

Smuggle Truck happened in 2011.

Can you give me a sentence for the word smuggle?

To smuggle money out of the bank is impossible.

How do you smuggle in gear on roblox?

Smuggle in gear? I don't think you can, anywhere.

How do you use smugglers in a sentence?

Smugglers often ply these waters.

When was The Smugglers - band - created?

The Smugglers - band - was created in 1988.

When was The Pursuit of the Smugglers created?

The Pursuit of the Smugglers was created in 1913.

When was The Diamond Smugglers created?

The Diamond Smugglers was created in 1957.