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They believed it was like a giant plane, and that if you went too far toward the horizon you would fall off the edge of the earth.

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Q: What did the European believe of the shape of the earth?
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What did people believe in olden days about earth's shape?

They thought that the Earth was flat and not spherical.

What did Columbus believe about the size and shape of Earth?

He thought it was round.

Who was the first European to believe that the Earth rotates around the Sun?

Nicholas Copernicus

What shape did renaissance people think the earth was?

Round. Most people by the time of Columbus did not believe the Earth was flat, despite what some history books will tell you.

What are the different theories regarding the shape of the earth?

The main theories regarding the shape of the Earth are the oblate spheroid theory, which posits the Earth is mostly spherical but slightly flattened at the poles due to its rotation; the geoid theory, which describes the Earth as an irregular shape that approximates global mean sea level; and the flat Earth theory, a debunked belief that the Earth is flat and not a sphere.

Did the lilliputians believe the earth was round?

In Jonathan Swift's "Gulliver's Travels," the Lilliputians are fictional characters who did not have a clear belief about the shape of the Earth. The novel does not specifically address this aspect of their beliefs.

Is Earth's shape a circle?

No, the Earth's shape is an oblate. A slightly squashed sphere or ball shape.

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Is the earth's shape is primarily the result of magnetism?

Earth's shape is primarily the result of:

What is the shape of the planet Earth?

Earth's shape is oblate spheroid.

How would you describe the earths shape?

the shape of the earth is not flat. it has a spherical shape. its slightly flattened at the poles to give a nearly spherical shape hence; the earth's shape is better described as a geoid which means the earth's shape

What is an everyday object that has a shape similar to earth?

An orange is an everyday object that has a shape similar to Earth, with a round and spherical shape.