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Nothing ! The English system was in place long before America 'hi-jacked' it !

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Q: What did the US contribute to the English measurement system?
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What is the system of measurement used by citizens in the US?

The US measurement system is based on the English system, or imperial units, though England has now long since converted to SI.

What are the two main systems of measurement used in the us today?

The answers are:Metric system and English system

Which system of units is used by only a small number of countries in the world including the US?

Standard measurement, or "English measurement".

What is the US's measurement system?

As I remember from grade school back in the 1960's I believe it was called: "Units and Standards" We refer to the U.S. measurement system today as the "Standard Measurement," "US Standard," "English Units," "US Customary Units," and "Imperial Units."

What is the measurement system used?

As I remember from grade school back in the 1960's I believe it was called: "Units and Standards" We refer to the U.S. measurement system today as the "Standard Measurement," "US Standard," "English Units," "US Customary Units," and "Imperial Units."

Why does the US keep the English system of measurement?

The United States continues to use the English system of measurement due to historical precedent, inertia, and the costs associated with transitioning to the metric system. Some industries and sectors have already adopted the metric system, but a nationwide shift has not occurred.

What are units of the US system of measurement called?

US system, or imperial system.

A system of measurement used in the us?

As I remember from grade school back in the 1960's I believe it was called: "Units and Standards" We refer to the U.S. measurement system today as the "Standard Measurement," "US Standard," "English Units," "US Customary Units," and "Imperial Units."

Why do scienctists in the US use SI rather than the English system of measurement?

SI is more universally used because even outside of science, the metric system is more used than the English. Very few countries use the English system.

What is the definition of us customary system?

The United States customary system (also called American system or, sometimes, "English units") is the most commonly used system of measurement in the United States.

Why does US still use English systems?

The US was once a British colony and the people got used to using the English system of measurement. Once people grow up thinking in pounds, gallons, miles, etc. they do not want to have to learn a new system.

What system of measurement is used in the US?

The common system of measurement in the US is the Imperial system. There was a bill for metrification of measurements that was passed by Congress, but it does not dictate how long the process should take.