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Q: What did the boy measuring stick say when he saw the girl with the measuring stick?
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Why doesn't ripped paper have smooth edges?

Because paper is made from wood, its the same principle as breaking a stick over your knee or cutting it with a saw

What is 5 to the 3rd power 6 multiplied by 3 evaluated?

It is 2250.

When cutting asphalt with an asphalt saw how do you determine how many linear feet you have cut?

Asphalt can be cut using the same equipment which can cut concrete. Asphalt cutting machine has a diamond dusted circular saw blade, with diameter ranging from 300 mm to 500 mm. The cutting depth varies from 80 mm to 170 mm depending on the size of the blade and power of the engine.

Who was Goliath?

Goliath was a nine foot Trained Warrior like Conan from the army of the phillistines. The Philistines challenged Israel to a one on one battle, so as to spare many soldier's lives. His challenge was accepted by an unarmed boy with a divine acurate sling shot. Goliath had super Human strenght and could carry all his armor like it was nothing. His sword was a sharp sledge hammer that could slice through your armor. If you saw Goliath, you didn't stick around to see what he would do. If you saw Goliath, you ran and hoped he doesent feel like killing anyone that day. If you saw Goliath, you are very far away but he still looks pretty big. Goliath was meant by God to be a very known mighty warrior. The Death of Goliath made David famous. That sling shot was his viral moment.

Does the phrase 'Was it a cat I saw' read the same forwards and backwards?

Yes. The phrases "Was it a cat I saw" and "Was it a rat I saw" are examples of palindromes. "Was it a car I saw" is not a palindrome.

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What did the boy measuring stick say when he saw the girl measuring stick?

nice to meter you, there's trouble a foot

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The avoux girl is the girl that katniss and gale saw one day when they were hunting. when they were hunting they saw the girl and a boy running, she saw her asking for help but katniss didnt help them. Right out of nowhere, a capitol ship arrived and killed the boy, but captured the girl. Then she became avoux.

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No it is a boy i saw it

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i think is a girls beacuse i saw a picture in goog show me kurapika is a girl too bad

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She's most likely jealous of the girl and likes the boy.

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Down. The weight of th boy would be more then the weight on the otherside, since the girl got off, this weight is non-existant.

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When you look in the ices you can tell coz to day i looked in to my panda ices and i saw it was a girl and if you look at the nose and the ices it makes a girl or a boy so look and thats my ANsWERs

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A girl. I just saw an episode where peanut referred to her as 'my brave little sister'.

How do you read a measuring stick?

To read a measuring stick, locate the zero mark and then read the measurement value at the end point of what is being measured. Make sure to note any units (inches, centimeters, etc.) used on the measuring stick for accuracy.

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Anything you can think of ! My first thoughts when I saw the question was 'rainbow' for a girl and 'chris' for a boy !

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My friend and I got into a fracas over who saw the cute boy first. (Or 'cute girl' if you are a guy)

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It is not a serious crime. You just cover your head and forget what has happened.