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I presume the meaning of virtue is known to everybody. What might cause hardship is the word "hereof". Any dictionary will provide the origin and composition of hereof and thereto, which are both important words in law, and may be to some extent "legalese".

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Q: What did the pilgrims mean by by virtue hereof to enact and frame such just and equal laws and offices?
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What are 2 prominent figures of the enlightenment?

Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Voltaire, Immanuel Kant, René Descartes, Adam Smith John Locke (social contract opposed to monarchy and supported equality/natural rights), Thomas Hobbes (social contract in favor of monarchy to prevent anarchy), Voltaire (stirred pot w/ satire, spread Newton's ideas), Montesquieu (Suggested 3 branch separation of powers), Spinoza (biblical criticism/embrace science), Rousseau (social contract that put society over individual), Adam Smith (economist that opposed mercantilism, founder of laissez-faire economics). Absolute Enlightenment: Catherine II (The Great) of Russia (Tried to enact major reforms to aid all classes, but still protected nobles, enacted censorship), Joseph II of Austria (put smack down on Church/clergy, allowed more religious freedom, abolished serfdom).

What would happen if the Victim kills themselves from Bullying or Cyber-Bullying?

Very little would happen unless the victim belonged to a politically correct group. A few people might shed tears for a few minutes, and then it would be back to business (or bullying) as usual. The bullies would gloat and any oppressive system that helped cause the bullying will actually become more oppressive. If the victim was part of a protected group, school admins, police, and owners of websites will simply come up with more oppressive policies and use bullying as an excuse or means to bully, as ironic as it is. The bottom line is don't kill yourself because very few would care, and that is being blunt. You do more to hurt bullies by staying alive and not letting them drive you to suicide. Someone has to be strong enough to put a stop to it. The system will most likely fail you - and partially because of the policies they enact to "help" you, so you have to rely on your strength and your friends.

What are synonyms for function?

Depends greatly on the definition you're using the word for.Various definitions are below with synonyms in alphabetical order:Capacity/Job- Action- Actively- Duty- Mission- Objective- Operation- Responsibility- TaskPerform/Work- Act- Behave- Do- Go- Move- Operate- React- Run- Serve- TakeDo Something- Accomplish- Achieve- Consummate- Create- Develop- Enforce- Execute- Intrude- Manoeuvre- Operate- Perpetrate- Persist- UndertakeBehave in a certain way- Appear- Behave- Comport- Conduct- Do- Enact- Exert- Operate- Perform- React- Serve- StrikeAffair/party- A do- Entertainment- Gathering- Reception- Shindig- SoireeApplication/Use- Appliance- Employment- Exercise- Exercising- Operation- Pertinence- Play- Practice- Purpose- Usance- UtilisationJob/Profession- Calling- Career- Craft- Employment- Field- Livelihood- Occupation- Pursuit- Speciality- Trade- Vocation- WorkPersonal Concern- Affair- Assignment- Beeswax- Duty- Goings-on- Hanky-Panky- Happening- Interest- Issue- Lookout- Palaver- Problem- Question- Responsibility- Subject- TopicCeremony/Ritual- Ceremonial- Commemoration- Custom- Formality- Liturgy- Observance- Ordinance- Parade- Rite- Sacrament- Service- Show- Solemnity- Tradition

What is statistics?

Statism is the doctrine that maintains that your life, money and property are not yours, but the property of the state. A statist is any individual who upholds this doctrine and/or supports its implementation. A statist knows that he cannot get away with-at least, not yet-openly declaring that your life, money and property are not yours, so he advances these ideas by implicit means. Statists enact laws that forbid you from taking certain actions altogether or only if you have their permission-and the idea is: if you may only act by permission, you do not have a right to your life. Statists, through their regulations, determine how much of your money you will be allowed to keep-and the idea is: if you do not have the right to decide how your money is spent, your money is not yours. Statists issue decrees restricting how you may use your property-and the idea is: if you do not have the right to control the use and disposal of your property, your property is not yours. These are the indirect means by which statists promote and implement their ideas.

How do you keep yourself from commtting sucide?

If you re considering suicide, things must be pretty terrible for you now. It seems to me that, if you're asking this question, you must want things to change somehow. So, lacking specific information about your situation, I'll speak generally, and I'll speak about change. It's my experience that, when one feels like killing themselves, they feel as if their options are narrowed or limited. And usually there's a sense of paralysis. If you can do anything to overcome that stasis, maybe that can help. So what can you do? Start with small things if you can. Before killing yourself, have you tried everything you want to taste, touch, feel in this world? Have you seen that one last concert or movie, had that last fine meal? Told your boss he's an idiot? Well -- if you're considering killing yourself, this may be the time to take that opportunity. How about things you can change? The top two changes people in crisis seem to make are diet and clothing. Minor changes in these may make for some surprising changes. Also -- you have to ask yourself what you're accomplishing by killing yourself. Lots and lots of suicides are anger-driven. They're punishment for someone else. If that's why you're considering killing yourself, you might want to give this some more consideration. Suicide as a method of inflicting pain or punishment doesn't work well -- and those that you leave behind, once they get that this was all about anger, will tend to recover quickly. Bottom line: If anger is your reasoning, think about if it'll actually work. Despair is another motivator, but despair seems yield to the changes I mentioned earlier. Pretty much any positive change in your life that you can enact will go a long ways with despair. Even little things can seem to really help. Treat yourself kindly. And finally, I think that stopping yourself from killing yourself is a one-day-at-a-time sort of thing. Everyone has considered suicide. The answer is not to say, "I'll never do that!" -- it's to simply buy yourself an hour, a day.... And then re-evaluate. If you can talk to people about this, it can really help. Worried that the responses will ineffective, embarrassing, judgemental? Well -- some will, and you can opt to completely ignore that sort of bad advice just now. When things are so bad you're considering killing yourself -- in that kind of crisis -- you have at least the sublime right and pleasure to ignore the unhelpful. And if you do that, and perhaps find one who you can talk to -- just the act of talking can help. A lot of Depression can be stemmed or eased if you can make contact with others. No-one in your group of friends can do this? Cool -- reach outside that circle. Anything to make contact. In summary, I think that holding off suicide happens a little at a time -- there is no overall, slam-dunk fix. But if you can make things a little different, a little easier, relieve some anger, talk to someone ... you can save that one day and go onto the next. And hopefully, it'll get easier.

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The word enact is a verb. The past tense is enacted.

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