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It stated that five enslaved persons would count as three free persons

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Clovis Waters

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Q: What did three fifths compromised state?
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What was the result of the compromised?

Three-Fifths Compromise

What was the Three-Fifths Compromised of?

When voting, slaves would only count for three-fifths of a person.

What problem was the three-fifths compromised designed to solve?

a disagreement between slave state and free states over whether slaves should be counted as part of the population

What is the main idea of three fifths compromise?

Three-fifths of a state's slave population counted toward representation and taxation.

How did the Three-Fifths compromise affect the population of each state?

Every slave was counted as three-fifths of a person.

What document determined how slaves would be counted in a state's population?

The Three-Fifths Compromise (during the Constitutional Convention in 1787).

Three fifths compromise is an agreement at the constitutional convention to count a slave as three fifths of a person when determining the population of a state True Or False?


Number of slaves counted for representation in the constitution?

it is a Compromise, which stipulates that three/fifths of the slave population would be counted for purposes of representation.

What was the three fifths comprmise?

(1787) Agreement worked out at the Constitutional Convention stating that three fifths of the slaves in each state should be counted as part of the state's population for determining representation in the lower house of Congress.

What Compromise determined how slaves would be counted in a state's population?


The Compromise determined how slaves would be counted in a state's population.?


What is one minus two fifths?

minus three fifths