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My head, and I thank the gods for that!

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Q: What didn't the Greeks place high value on?
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What did Greeks place a high value on?

Power,and the fact that they could live forever.

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war and conquest

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How much do you know about Africa value and tradition?

Africa is a community oriented society. They place a high value of family. They value collectivism over individualism. They will sacrifice their own wants and needs for the community.

What is thin feathery clouds in a high altitude?

Thin feathery clouds in high altitudes are known as cirrus clouds. They are wispy in appearance and typically composed of ice crystals. Cirrus clouds are often indicators of fair weather but can also signal the approach of a weather change.

Who created high jump?

Ancient Greeks

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money,sucess, likeability,

Does Western culture place a high value on physical appearance?

Undoubtedly. Undoubtedly. Undoubtedly. Undoubtedly.

Why was high jump invented?

The high jump was invented to test the ability of the anchient Greeks

Did messi go to high school?

no he didnt :P

Where bill gates attend high school?

He didnt

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No he didnt