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Can you describe the question more?? What kind of shape? How much perimeter do you need? If you narrow it down, there would be less answers. Right now there are too many answers. Narrow it plz.

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Q: What different shapes have the same perimeter?
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What different shapes has the same perimeter?

Any plane shape can have the same perimeter as any other plane shape.

How do you determine the area of a rectangle if you know the perimeter?

You can't. The perimeter doesn't tell the area. There are an infinite number of shapes with different dimensions and different areas that all have the same perimeter.

What shape has the same perimeter but not the same area?

Begs the question: Same perimeter as what? There are plenty of examples of shapes that given the same perimeter length will have different areas, e.g. pick any two of the following: Circle, Square, Triangle, Rhombus, Pentagon, Hexagon...

What is a congruant shape?

Congruent shapes are two shapes that are the same (angles, size perimeter/circumference)

If two shapes have the same area and perimeter are they congruent?

Only if they have the same number of sides.

Shapes with the same perimeter do they have the same area?

No.It is not possible for the shape with the same perimeter to have the same area. This is because, to do this, you would have to cut up two shapes into eight pieces, add the amount of them all together and divide them by 7.559832076. By doing this you are breaking the seventh note, this is against the laws of trigonometry there by breaking this rule of concentration, so this statment; having shapes with the same perimeter have the same area, is therefor not true!Thank you.

Is it possible for two shapes to have the same area but different perimeters?

Yes it is possible. Consider these two shapes with the same area: a 2-inch square and a 1-inch x 4-inch rectangle both have the same area of 4 sq inches. However, the square has a perimeter of 8 inches while the rectangle has a perimeter of 10 inches. By the way, the shape with the largest area for a given perimeter is a circle.

Why can shapes with the same area have different perimeters?

Shapes with the same area can be different sizes. If you restrict yourself to integers, a rectangle with an area of 12 square inches can have the following dimensions: 1 x 12 (perimeter 26) 2 x 6 (perimeter 16) 3 x 4 (perimeter 14) The long skinny piece has most of its area near the edges. The one that's most like a square has most of its area in the center.

Perimeter of shapes?

To find the perimeter of two-dimensional shapes, add the lengths of all the sides together. The sum is the perimeter of the figure.

Shapes with the same area do they have the same perimeter?

No.Rectangle 5 x 10. Area = 50. Perimeter = 30.Rectangle 2 x 25. Area = 50. Perimeter = 54.

Why cant shapes have the same area but not perimeter?

area is times the side and the top and the perimeter is adding the top bottom side and the other side

How do you convert area into perimeter?

You can't: there are many different shapes with the same area that have different perimeters. For example, if you have an area of 100, the figure could be a 10 by 10 square (with a perimeter of 40), a 20 by 5 rectangle (with a perimeter of 50), or even a circle with a radius of about 5.64, and a perimeter of about 35.44. You might be able to figure out the perimeter if you know something about the shape. If you know it's a square, for example, then the perimiter is 4 times the square root of the area. It's also interesting to note that of all shapes with the same area, the one with the smallest perimeter will be a circle. This is why soap bubbles are round: their contents are fixed, but surface tension makes the bubble "try" to minimize the perimeter.