If you consider whole numbers, the largest 5 digit number with repetition is 99999 the smallest 4 digit number without repetition is -9876 Their difference is 99999 - (-9876) = 99999 + 9876 = 109875.
9876-102=9774The largest 4 digit number, without repetition, is 9876.The smallest 3 digit number is 102.Their difference is 9774.
If you consider whole numbers, the largest 5 digit number with repetition is 99999 the smallest 4 digit number without repetition is -9876 Their difference is 99999 - (-9876) = 99999 + 9876 = 109875.
9876-102=9774The largest 4 digit number, without repetition, is 9876.The smallest 3 digit number is 102.Their difference is 9774.
Look at the tens digit. If it is 5 or more, add 100 to 9876. Then replace all the digits to the right of the hundreds digit (the tens and units digits) by zeros. The answer is therefore 9900
9876 and 1234
The greatest 4-digit number with no repeated digits is... 9876
9876 (:
9876 - 999 = 8877
If leading zeros are not allowed to make the numbers, then largest = 9876, and smallest = 1023. To get the difference, just subtract: 9876 - 1023 = 8853