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Q: What diseases killed 90 percent of the Maya after the spanish conquest what was its symbol?
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What diseases killed 90 percent of the Maya after the spanish conquest?

Some wierd disease that the spanish called (spanish person)

What were the effects of Spanish rule on Mexico?

The most important factor in the conquest as disease. The native people of the Americas had no resistance to European diseases.

What were the effects of spanish of the America?

The spanish conquest of the americas brought with them diseases that killed many of the population. Those who did not die were overworked as slaves to death, and many old civilisations were lost.

What effect did the diseases carried by the spanish have the Aztec?

it had killed most of them.

What effects did the diseases carried by the Spanish have on the Aztec?

it had killed most of them.

What effect did the diseases carried by the Spanish have on Aztec?

it had killed most of them.

Who where the Aztecs enemies?

the Spanish were their enemy's and they attacked them with diseases and killed them unfortuntally.

Was Aztec and Mayan treated respectfully in Mexico?

It depends. You mean after the Spanish conquest? Definitely no, as most of them were enslaved or killed by the Spanish conquistadors.

When the Spanish first reached Mexico what did they do with the natives?

They either a) enslaved them, converting them into the Spanish religion and using Spanish language and customs or b) killed them. That is why it is called "the conquest of Mexico".

Who was the last great emperor and successful military leader was killed during the Spanish Conquest?

this website doesnt know

What happened to the natives of the plases hernan Cortes explored?

Many of the natives encountered by Hernan Cortes in places like Mexico were killed by diseases introduced by the Spanish, enslaved, or forced to convert to Christianity. Native populations also faced warfare, loss of land, and cultural suppression as a result of Spanish conquest.

What lasting impact did the Spanish's mission have on Texas?

Diseases brought by Spanish Missionaries killed many of the native texans.