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Q: What displays a subset of data from a table?
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What displays a subset of data from a table based on the criteria specified?

a select query

What displays all records that meet the criteria as a subset of the table by hiding records that do not pass the test?


What graph displays data from a frequency table?

A histogram.

The access view that displays the table data in columns and rows is called?

datasheet view

What type of graph displays data from a frequency table and has one bar for each interval of the table that contains values?


What is the difference between query datasheet and a table datasheet?

A query datasheet displays the results of a query operation, showing data based on specified criteria or calculations. A table datasheet displays the data in a table format, representing information stored in a database table. In essence, a query datasheet is derived from a table datasheet and is dynamic based on the query criteria.

What graph is used when data is condensed into a frequency table?

A histogram is used when data is condensed into a frequency table. It displays the frequency of data within fixed intervals or bins, providing a visual representation of the distribution of the data.

Why adjust the table height in word documents?

The simple answer is to fit all the data you want to display. The real answer is that you will need to decide what table height best displays the data you want to present.

Natalie counted the number of birds she saw each day for 20 days and she recorded her data in the table Which scatterplot correctly displays Natalies data?


Why create view in database?

A View is similar to a Table and can be mistaken for a table by a novice application developer. CREATE VIEW VIEW_NAME AS SQL QUERY Here the SQL Query includes the Select query on a table that is to be displayed as a View. The view is a read only structure that only displays contents from a table and the user cannot insert or update or delete any data in the underlying table. Views are generally created to impose access restrictions to a specific subset of users whom you do not want to give full access but at the same time want them to view the data.

What displays information in rows and columns used to collect organize and summarize data in a visual display?

It is a spreadsheet.

What is VIEW in MySQL?

In databases, a view is a stored query accessible much the same way as a table. The view does not hold any data, but can be used to retrieve data from one or more tables. Views can represent a subset of the data contained in a table, can join and simplify multiple tables into a single virtual table, can aggregate table data (using sum, avg, count, etc) and can hide the complexity of data