it is a prime number
1, 7, 19, 133.
19/40 is in the reduced form as there is no whole number that divides 19 and 40 evenly (remainder zero).
A factor is a number that divides into another number. Factors of 19 are 1 and 19. Factors of 49 are 1, 7, and 49. Therefore, 1 is the greatest common factor.
Since 3 divides both 240 and 285, it is tempting to start with 3 as a common divisor of both 240 and 285. However, since 3 and 5 both divide 285, and 30 divides 240, we probably should start with 15. Fifteen divides into 240 16 times with no remainder. Fifteen also divides into 285 19 times. Since 16 and 19 are relatively prime to each other, 15 is the greatest common divisor of 240 and 285.
1 19 37 and 703.
it is a prime number
1, 7, 19, 133.
Because 57 divides by 3 and 19
19/40 is in the reduced form as there is no whole number that divides 19 and 40 evenly (remainder zero).
1, 2, 4, 19, 38, 76, 361, 722, 1444.
A factor is a number that divides into another number. Factors of 19 are 1 and 19. Factors of 49 are 1, 7, and 49. Therefore, 1 is the greatest common factor.
Since 3 divides both 240 and 285, it is tempting to start with 3 as a common divisor of both 240 and 285. However, since 3 and 5 both divide 285, and 30 divides 240, we probably should start with 15. Fifteen divides into 240 16 times with no remainder. Fifteen also divides into 285 19 times. Since 16 and 19 are relatively prime to each other, 15 is the greatest common divisor of 240 and 285.
House of Anubis - 2011 House of Chance House of Divides 2-9 was released on: USA: 19 January 2012
19 is the greatest common factor. 19/19=1, 76/19=4.