To calculate how many times 2 can go into 308, you would perform a division operation. 308 divided by 2 equals 154, so 2 can go into 308 exactly 154 times. This is because division is the inverse operation of multiplication, and you are essentially finding how many groups of 2 can fit into 308 without any remainder.
38.5 x 8 = 308
0.09 9/100 9 divided by 100 equals 0.09
A division problem that = 9 could be....... 27 divided by 3= 9
To calculate how many times 2 can go into 308, you would perform a division operation. 308 divided by 2 equals 154, so 2 can go into 308 exactly 154 times. This is because division is the inverse operation of multiplication, and you are essentially finding how many groups of 2 can fit into 308 without any remainder.
54 divided by 3.
210 divided by -7
38.5 x 8 = 308
0.09 9/100 9 divided by 100 equals 0.09
32 2 64
Dividend divided by divisor equals quotient.
To find the number that, when multiplied by 7, equals 308, you would divide 308 by 7. The result is 44, so 44 times 7 equals 308. This can be verified by multiplying 44 by 7 to get 308.