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Q: What do 2 triangular stripes mean on a army jacket?
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Chevrons are like army stripes on a sleeve.

When your rapping a song what does i got stripes mean?

Rank.. as in the army.. a Sargent has stripes on his shoulder because of his hi ranking position.

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The thirteen stripes represents the thirteen colonies

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red stripes mean danger

E-7 SFC nat'l guard ranking mean?

National Guard is a part of the US Army made up of civilians who serve part-time in the military. "E-7 SFC" is one of the Army ranks that stands for "Sergeant First Class". The Enlistedmans ranks are numbered E-1 through E-8. This E-7 would be a sergeant with 7 stripes: 3 pointed stripes on top and 2 rounded stripes under it.

What does stripes on your flag mean?

It do mean u ghey

What does us army t5 mean?

T5 was a rank in the US Army and Army Air Force in WW II is stood for Tech 5, it was equal to a corporal in pay but lacked the command of a corporal. The rank on the uniform was a corporal stripes with a "T" under them. He was the most junior of the NCO ratings.

How many strips are on the a flag?

I think you mean stripes. There are 13 stripes on the flag and 50 stars.

What does 13 s on a ss mean?

13 Stripes on a Stars and Stripes (US flag)

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What does army tech 5 mean on a tombstone?

it is an old school army rank, equivalent to todays army Sergeant E5 Actually it is equivalent to a corporal E4, not an E5. a Tech rank was authorized in 1942 and done away with in 1948. a Tech 5 = E4; while a Tech 4(3 stripes)=a sergeant