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Q: What do I replace a variable with a number?
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What is the number that replaces a variable?

The whole idea of a variable is that any number can replace it.

What is the number that can replace a variable?

Answer 1 == In an open sentence (an equation or inequality with a variable in it), when a number replacing the variable makes the sentence true, then it is a solution.

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What is a number that can replace a variable to make an equation true?


What is to replace a variable with a number or anotherexpression in an expression?

The term for replacing a variable with another value or expression is "substitution."

When you replace the variable with a number and perform the operations you blank an expression?


What is an algebra expression you replace each variable with a number?

evaluation, evaluate.

What is it called when you replace a variable with a number and follow order of operations?


What is an algebraic substitution?

That means that you replace something, for something else. For example, a variable for a number, or a variable for some other expression.

When you replace each variable with a number and then follow order of operations is called what?


How do you solve a problem with an integer and a variable when the variable is not in place of a number?

A variable must be in place of a number, or representing a range of possible values. Otherwise, it is a constant and so yous imply replace it with the value of that constant.

What is the number that can replace a variable in an equation to make it a true equation?

what is the number that can replace a variable in a equation to make it a true equation? 8 letters this is not a good answer go look 4 a notha one