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Q: What do all the numbers on the keyboard add up to?
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What do all the numbers on a computer keyboard all add up to?

All the numbers on a computer keyboard add up to 45. * * * * * Not if you have a numerical key pad. Also, there are numbers on the function keys - F1 to F12. Finally, there is a 1 by the light that shows that the Num[eric] lock is on. I make it 169.

What do all the numbers on the key board add up to?

On my keyboard, which is pretty standard, the sum is 168.

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if you add all the numbers up and dived them by the numbers of numbers

Mean how do you find the mean of a set of numbers?

What you have to do is you add up all the numbers then you divide by the number of numbers. ex. Say you have the numbers 45,56,39 and 35 you add them all up 45+56+39+35=175 then you divide 175/4(because there is 4 numbers)=43.75

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They add to 666.

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Add up all the numbers. Then divide by how many numbers there were.

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You add up all the numbers then divide by how many numbers you have total.

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any numbers that add up to 130

How do a find a average?

add up all the numbers and then divide that number by the number of numbers that you added up.

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Its where you add up all the numbers and then divide by how many numbers you have.