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A system with two stars is called a binary star system. A system with three stars is called a ternary system or a trinary system - both names mean the same thing. Beyond three stars there are quaternary or quadruple systems which have four stars, quintuple systems which have 5 stars and so on and so fourth.

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Q: What do astronomerscall a system with more than two stars?
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What do astronomers call a system that is composed of more than two stars?

A system composed of more than two stars is called a multiple star system. This can include triple star systems (trinaries), quadruple star systems (quadrinaries), or even more complex configurations with numerous stars orbiting each other.

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The asteroid belt has no stars, the solar system one.

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If you mean asteroids within our Solar System, then stars. In the Universe, there will be many more asteroids than stars.

Are there more stars than planets?

Yes. 200 billions stars and 8 planets in our solar system.

Why do astronomers call a system that is composed of more than 2 stars?

Such a system is a multiple-star system. If it contains exactly two stars then it is called a binary system.

What do astronomers call systems with more than 2 stars?

Nazil's system

Mizar is a star sytem that is composed of two pairs of stars Mizar A and Mizar B or four stars total. What do astronomers call a system that is composed of more than two stars?

Mizar is a quadruple or quaternary star system. When there is more than two stars, it is called a star system or multiple star system or stellar system. Depending on the number of stars, they are also called a triple, quadruple or quintuple star system or trinary, ternary, quaternary, quintenary, sextuple, sextenary, septuple or septenary star system.

True or false there are more than a billion stars in your solar system?

False. There are eight planets in our solar system, which orbit around the Sun. While there are billions of stars in the Milky Way galaxy, there are not more than a billion stars in our solar system.

Howmany planets are in space?

As of now, there are eight recognized planets in our solar system: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. Exoplanets (planets outside our solar system) have also been discovered, with thousands identified so far through various observational methods.

Is their more than 100000 stars in your solar system?

Maybe but in the solar system that most readers will be familiar with there is only one star, called the Sun.

Are there more stars or more ants?

There are more ants than stars. It is estimated that there are about 10 million trillion ants on Earth, while there are roughly 100 to 400 billion stars in our galaxy alone.

Is there a reason why can't the star's be part of the solar system?

cause there is more stars than planets and stars is only a rock that burned from a planet,and cause of the big bang explosion its creats the galaxy and stars