plain and simple blackberries eat there weakest children because they are most likely to die befor the stronger ones. i suggest u buy some natural whole wheat blackberrie food and hook them up with that urs truly ...
Blackberries has three syllables. Black-ber-ries
There were plenty of good seats left. Plenty of people wanted the tickets. The horn of plenty was spilling over with fruit.
If you eat half, you eat an M.. Buh if you eat all, you eat an M and M
No you can not eat bricks.
Why in the world would you eat dirt?!?!
Monkeys eat all sorts of fruit, that is not poisinous, and I'm pretty sure they eat blackberries. Not all monkeys though eat blackberries, I don't know which kinds.
Deer, bears, raccoons, chipmunks, and many species of birds all eat blackberries as part of their diet. Blackberries are high in fiber and antioxidants, making them a healthy component of human diets too.
no they will get sick
Yes. Eat blackberries.
It means you can pick and eat them.
It means you can pick and eat them.
They were a readily available food.
Mice will usually eat blackberries, if they are offered.
yes they can
They do not eat cactus, but they may eat blackberries.
Unlike some idiots would have you believe... blackberries are not raspberries when unripe. There IS a noticeable difference. As a kid I used to enjoy the occasional red blackberry, which generally means they're unripe, but I never had any big issues from it.