A clam lives in a shell. They do not move. if you are woundering why they are not moving it's because they don't move.
what does property look like
They look like your face!!!
what does a pentogon look like
they look like a-z, !, and ?
Assuming 52 40-hour weeks... 59000 clams/yr ÷ 52 wks/yr ÷ 40 hrs/wk ≈ 1134.6154 clams/wk ÷ 40 hrs/wk ≈ 28.365 clams/hr
Huge :)
they most r brownish
Bodies of water have clams, not girls.
i do. do you enjoy bearded clams?
soft 'animals', like clams and such
Fish do like to eat clams which are a popular food among the animal world. Other animals that like to eat clams are shorebirds, starfish and people.
Yes. Just like baby clams, they need to burrow in the sand.
No; although clams filtrate water, they are not able to crawl on surfaces eating algae like snails do.
the like to eat clams
No theey don't eat shrimps. Clams do not eat things like shrimp.
The phylum is Mollusca - all clams are mollusks, like any shelled bivalve. Snails and slugs are also mollusks.
just fergin look it up on google jeez....