

What do dot plots represent?

Updated: 12/10/2022
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8y ago

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Dot plots represent the values of a data-set which is classified according to two variables.

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The single dot in braille represents 'A'

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The symbols that use electron dot notation to represent molecules are called Lewis structures. These structures use dots to represent valence electrons around atoms in a molecule.

How is a bar graph and dot plots similar?

A dot plot is similar to a bar graph because they both can give you the same amount of pets and other things that you might use them for.

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The letters in a Lewis Dot Structure represent the symbol of the element. Each element is represented by a unique letter, such as H for hydrogen or O for oxygen. These letters help to identify the specific atoms in the structure.

How is a bar graph and dot plots different?

They are different because It is easier to see the amount of the subject you are using on a bar graph than a dot plot because you can get the answer faster and more quickly.

What does the 88 represent on a box and whisker plot?

Nothing. Most box and whisker plots do not have 88 on them!

What are pairs of numbers that represent real-life situations?

scatter plots, you see show this information.

What are dot diagrams used to represent?

Outer electrons