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Q: What do elements with atomic numbers 1 3 11 19 37 55 87 have in common?
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What are the atomic numbers of the first three elements in Group 1?

The atomic numbers of the first three elements in Group 1 are: Hydrogen (H) - atomic number 1 Lithium (Li) - atomic number 3 Sodium (Na) - atomic number 11

Which element has an atomic mass of11?

Atomic mass numbers are not properties of elements overall, but only of particular isotopes of elements. The only stable element with an isotope with mass number 11 is boron. Beryllium and carbon also have isotopes with mass number 11, but these are radioactive.

What are the atomic numbersfor carbon sodium and nickel?

The atomic numbers for carbon, sodium, and nickel are 6, 11, and 28 respectively.

Which elements atomic nucleus contains 11 protons?


How many protons are in sodiums most common isotope?

Eleven. This because sodium has an atomic number (also the number of protons) of 11 on the periodic table. All the elements listed on the table are the most common (or only) isotopes of those elements.

What is the least common multiple of the numbers 2357and 11?

The least common multiple of the numbers 2,357 and 11 is 25,927.The least common multiple of the numbers 23, 57 and 11 is 14,421.

What is the atomic number of NaCI?

The atomic number of an element refers to the number of protons found in the nucleus. In the case of NaCI, it is a compound formed by sodium (Na) and chlorine (Cl). Sodium has an atomic number of 11, and chlorine has an atomic number of 17.

What is the atomic numbers of a sodium atom that has 11 protons and 12 neutrons?

Sodium's atomic number is always 11 and is always the same as its protons.

What is the coordination number of NaCl?

The is no atomic number for NaCl (sodium chloride) as it is a compound and atomic nuber applies to elements. NaCl is made of the two elements sodium and chlorine. Sodium's atomic number is 11. Chlorine's atomic number is 17.

What were the numbers of the elements in period 3?


Is 11 the average atomic number for Sodium?

Yes: to be a sodium atom, an atom must have an atomic number of 11. Therefore, the average of all such numbers will also be 11.

What is the least common multiple of 910 and 11?

The least common multiple of the numbers 910 and 11 is 10,010. The least common multiple of the numbers 9, 10 and 11 is 990.