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Rectangles and squares.

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Q: What do four sided shapes look like?
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there are lots of seven sided shapes! I can't tell you how it looks like because there are lots!

What does four-sided polygon look like?

It is a quadrilateral.

What does a dreidel look like?

It is a four-sided top with a Hebrew letter on each of the sides.

What does a rectangular pentagon look like?

It can look like a four-sided shape with five sides or a five-sided shape with four sides. The term is self-contradictory and so such a shape cannot exist!

What does a four sided shape look like with one parrell lines?

A trapezoid

What are five things that look like a pentagon?

Any 5 sided flat shapes will do because a pentagon has 5 sides

What do all quadrilaterals look like?

They have four sidesThey have four sides and four angles.Quadrilateral shapes have four sides and four angles.

What objects look like pentagons?

Some examples of objects that may look like pentagons include home plate in baseball, the shape of a house roof, and a slice of pizza when presented with a crust that forms a five-sided shape.

What does a rectangular hexagon look like?

No such thing . . . A rectangle is a four sided polygon and a hexagon is a six sided polygon. How they could mix, I have no clue.

What does a fifty sided polygon look like?

it look like a fifty sided shape

What is a five sided 3 dimensional shape called?

A tetrahedron, but you can also think of it as a pyramid. -edit: actually it would be a pentahedron, which may look like a four sided pyramid in which you can see the bottom, or it may look like a triangular prism. Tetra- four, Penta- five.

What is a six sided shape look like?

A six sided shape could look like a Hexagon