

What do gargoyles look like?

Updated: 10/13/2022
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14y ago

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A gargoyle is a stone carved water spout usually found on churches or cathedrals. Gargoyles are based mostly on humans and animals that are used to scare away the evil.

And are normally used to do so.

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What types of gargoyles are there?

There are about a hundred different types of gargoyles. Gargoyles can look like animals, dragons, or be fictional. A gargoyle has a different meaning depending on what it is being used for.

What do gargoyles look like in Harry Potter?

Gargoyles are carved stone statues with ugly faces.

Who are gargoylists?

The comiic figures Gargoyles and all the Gargoyles characters belong to Disney and Buena Vista, and their shows like Gargoyles and Gargoyles: The Goliath Chronicles.

Why gargoyles have their mouths open?

The gargoyles have their mouth open so they can insult you. look for all of them and shoot them down do get something. you will find that 'something' in the Gargoyles Cove that is under the Bowerstone Market bridge. Oh and you get a 'something' for every ten gargoyles you destroy.

Are there actual gargoyles on the notre dame that look like the ones from Disneys the Hunchback of NotreDame?

no r u kidding i mean my god!

When were gargoyles invented and who invented the gargoyles?

gargoyles were invented by gargoyles who were invented by gargoyles and so on. This was written by gargoyle.

Use the word gargoyle in a sentence?

i like gargoyles

What type of stone is used for gargoyles?

gargoyles areusually made of marble or limestone. There have been some metal or terracotta gargoyles. There are no brick gargoyles.

What are gargoyles made from?

Gargoyles are crafted from Granite.

Who gargoyles buit them?

joshua kovolets built the gargoyles

Harry Potter Where are the gargoyles?

The gargoyles are outside the staff room.

What are examples of modern-day gargoyles?

there is no modern-day gargoyles