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Q: What do half hispanic and half white babies look like?
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Do hispanic women like white men?

Only if they are polite, considerate and thoughtful.

What do Hispanic guys think of girls that are mixed with black and white?

There are many things that Hispanic guys could think of girls that are mixed with black and white. Some guys may like it, and others may not, it is a matter of opinion.

What do bess beatle babies look like?

small white worms.

Does Justin Bieber like hispanic girls?

Yes Justin bieber likes hispanic girls in all his vids he has a hispanic girl but it doesn't mean that he doesn't like black or white and he also had a girl friend from ingland that's white and he has a friend that is a girl that is black. Justin likes all girls he would just prefer a hispanic girl!! he said so........................ please don't start rumers thanx......................GOD bless u all.

Why are black babies born white?

Black babies are not always born white, although some are quite light. Even when they are born lighter, there are usually differences in the tone of their skin. Many lighter babies have visible changes of skin tone even within hours of being born. Just like white, Hispanic, Asian, and other babies, they have had no sun exposure, so their melanin has not surfaced. It could take several months to fully develop.

Do white deer lay eggs?

No, they have live babies just like people.

Do Black guys like Hispanic women?

Yes, Black guys like Hispanic women.

What does the chess board look like?

It has 64 squares. Half of them are black and half of them are white.

Do white boys like hispanic girls?

Race should not be an issue when it comes to love.

What does bulling looks like?

half shark half bull no what the hell its gray and at the bottom its white

What do white tiger babies look like?

They are white with black stripes, and when they are born their eyes are closed. They are about the size of a medium size dog!

Do Black guys like Hispanic womens feet?

Yes, Black guys like Hispanic womens feet.