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Cuz they grow like that...

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Q: What do horizontal lines on your toenails mean?
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What causes horizontal lines on toenails?

You need to visit a physician to have lines on your toenails checked. This could be a sign of serious conditions that only a doctor can diagnose.

What do horizontal and vertical lines mean in pregnancy results?

my pregnancy test positive result should be vertical but is horizontal

What do horizontal lines mean in a speed vs time graph?


What does vertical and horizontal lines mean in oil painting?

hi this is the anwer

What is vertical and horizontal line?

horizontal lines are lines which may be at the angle of 00,1800,3600.if vertical lines stand on horizontal lines it is in the angle of 900

What do lines of latitude and longitude mean?

On a map, longitude lines go up and down, AKA vertically. Latitude lines are horizontal lines on a map.

Do the horizantal lines on a girl's neck mean she's healthy and why does this occur?

The horizontal lines on a girl's neck are normal.

What slope do horizontal lines always have?

Horizontal lines always have a slope of 0.

What are horizontal lines on earth called?

horizontal lines represent latitude and vertical lines represent longitude

Do horizontal lines intersect?

No, horizontal lines are parallel to each other and parallel lines never intersect.

Is longitude horizontal?

Lines of longitude are vertical but they measure horizontal distance(In degrees,not kilometers or miles)between Greenwich Mean Time(GMT) and you so the lines are vertical,not horizontal. However,longitude measures horizontal distance,not vertical distance.

What does it mean when first line is vertical and second line is horizontal?

Those are parralel lines.