Convert 52% into a decimal. 52%=.52 .52•83=43.16
52% (52/100)*100 = 52
60% of 52= 60% * 52= 0.6 * 52= 31.2
100% of 52=52 10% of 52 (divide by 10)=5.2 1% of 52 (divide by 10)=.52 2% of 52 (multiply the 1% by 2)=1.04
80 * 0.65 = 52
Never in a lifetime, But they might be better
1 minet
On average, a person produces between 0.5 to 1.5 liters of saliva per day. Over a lifetime of around 70 years, this would amount to roughly 12,000 to 40,000 liters of saliva.
No, humans only have two sets of teeth in their lifetime
$336,529,844 lifetime gross, $52 million on opening weekend in 1995.
You have a ghost that loves humans because of its past lifetime.
A good ten to fifteen days if not killed by humans or other animals.
TThey all spend a lifetime moving through and breathing liquids
The gods decided whether to destroy humans and the world.