Those that were lucky enough to get educated did.
john 3:16
They would learn to read because they were very christain so they needed to learn to read the Bible. They would also learn latin or greek. They also did Geomatry. Girls wouldn't go to school.
As always, I enjoyed my time with the kids.
The grade during which kids learn algebra varies. My first-grade grandson was learning pre-algebra in kindergarten.
They look at the pitchers
They join the Army.
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There are many different playing cards for kids sold in retail stores. Go to the kids section or the toy section and you can find some themed playing cards. These could include kids characters or tv shows.
kids learn from the 6 to 12
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Petra Rubia, tarot reader from YouTube over here. I would not let kids do tarot until at least their late teens because they have not yet discovered all of their chakras yet, therefore wouldnt have all of the spiritual alignments to give and accurate reading.
Kids can learn about astronomy on a variety of different websites such as kidsastronomy, sciencekids and many more! Kids can even take classes to learn about astronomy.
Kids have to learn typing on the computer because in schools of today kids have computers to learn stuff on. And typing is essential to using a computer.
Kids in southern Mexico learn just about the same things kids over here do.
you and your kids
Easy mothers day cards for kids to make are having an adult trace the kids feet or hands and date it. Then have the child sign his or her name.