

What do mach speeds have to do with sound?

Updated: 9/16/2023
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12y ago

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When something is traveling at the speed of sound, 343 m/s, it is said to be traveling at mach 1. When traveling at twice the speed of sound it is traveling at mach 2 and so on., 'The World's Encyclopedia' has an entire article on Mack Number. Refer to the related link in the Related Links section below.

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What is the speed lower than the speed of sound called?

speeds lower than the speed of sound is known as the subsonic speed. speeds greater than the speed of sound is supersonic (mach 1) and speeds that are many times above the speed of sound (above mach 0) are known as hypersonic sounds.

What is faster then Mach 1?

Speeds faster than Mach 1 are measured in multiples of Mach, such as Mach 2 (twice the speed of sound), Mach 3 (three times), and so on. Each Mach number represents the speed of an object in relation to the speed of sound.

How fast is mach .95 in mph?

Due to mach speeds being the percentage of the speed of sound and the speed of sound changing with air density and temperature the answer varies but mach .95 at 30,000ft is 645.05 mph

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Scramjets can reach speeds up to Mach 15 (15 times the speed of sound) which is around 11,500 mph (18,500 km/h). They are designed to operate efficiently at hypersonic speeds, typically around Mach 5 or higher.

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Sound does not travel in a vacuum. Mach"s constant is 760 miles per hour, but in an airless environment, like the Moon, mach speeds would not apply.

Supersonic jets can travel faster than the speed of sound this is called Mach 1?

Close! Actually, Mach-1 is the speed of sound. anything above Mach-1 (Mach-(1-5)) is supersonic, all the way up to Mach-5, at which point an object is called "Hypersonic". Sometimes speeds above Mach-10 are referred to as "High-Hypersonic". So, a jet moving at Mach-1 wouldn't actually be traveling FASTER than sound, it would be traveling AS FAST as sound.

How fast does the concord fly?

the concord can reach speeds of twice the speed of sound (mach 2) which is 1350mph or 2173kph. hope this helps :)

How fast can a fighter plane go?

Different fighter planes have different capabilities, but somewhere between Mach 1 (the speed of sound) and Mach 3 (three times the speed of sound) has been the general norm for fighter planes in the last five decades. Fighter-bombers are capable of supersonic speeds above Mach 1, but fighter-interceptors can do about Mach 2.5.

What is the difference between hypersonic supersonic planes?

A supersonic plane is one that is flying faster than the speed of sound, or Mach 1. A hypersonic plane flies at a speed of Mach 5, so is much faster than a supersonic plane. Mach numbers are used for speeds greater than the speed of sound.

How fast is Mach 1 Mach 2 Mach 3 Mach 4 etc to the fastest Mach level on record?

The mach number is the speed, compared to the speed of sound in air. Thus, mach 1 is the speed of sound, mach 2 is twice (2 times) the speed of sound, mach 3 is 3 times the speed of sound, etc.

Is Transonic speed faster than Mach 1?

By definition, Mach 1 is the speed of sound. Most of the time it is used to refer to the speed of sound in air, but it can be used to refer to the speed of sound in any fluid. Mach numbers are multiples of this speed, so Mach 0.5 is half the speed of sound while Mach 2.5 is two and half times the speed of sound. The term "transonic" refers to a condition where the speed crosses over the speed of sound - so it refers to a range of velocities of airflow exist surrounding and flowing past an air vehicle or an airfoil that are concurrently below, at, and above the speed of sound in the range of Mach 0.8 to 1.2. In this respect - at least some of the velocities must be below the speed of sound, some at the speed of sound and some faster. The correct term for speeds that are exclusively faster than Mach 1 is supersonic.

What is the plural of mach?

There is no plural for the noun 'mach'; the different levels of mach are usually shown by a numeral for various speeds, such as mach 1 or mach 2.