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Q: What do most major corporations use for business activities like billing millions of customers preparing payroll for thousands of employees and managing millions of items in inventory?
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What are common examples of data?

Common examples include inventory, sales, receipts, and payments of transactional activities frequently stored and retrieved in databases.

What is Product brokerage?

Product brokerage is a kind of business that does not manufacture any product but select the most market driven products and/or services to provide to customers. They constantly adjust their "inventory" according to the current trends in consumer preferences.

If calculating Day of supply do you use working day or calendar days?

Days of Supply = The Dollar Value of Raw Materials on hand / The daily consumption of Raw Materials per Working Day on the Shop Floor in dollars [This definition indicates how many production days, on average, production can continue without material shortage] In contrast Age of Inventory (1) = The Dollar Value of Inventory on hand / Sales per Calendar Day in Dollars] = Age of Raw Material Inventory (1) + Age of Work in process Inventory (1) + Age of Finished Goods Inventory (1), and Age of Inventory (2) = The Dollar Value of Inventory on hand / Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) per Calendar Day in Dollars] = Age of Raw Material Inventory (2) + Age of Work in process Inventory (2) + Age of Finished Goods Inventory (2), and These definitions of Age of Inventory indicate for how long calendar days, on the average, sales can continue without back orders

A Career as an Inventory Control Clerk?

What does an inventory control clerk do? What are their main functions and what are the necessary attributes and education needed to succeed in this career? An inventory control clerk manages the distribution of parts and materials out to a company’s manufacturing or distribution channels. Their main function is to ensure that the materials and parts specified in a given bill of materials, work order and shipping document, are properly allocated. They must coordinate between incoming and outgoing shipments to ensure inventory levels are properly counted for and addressed. While not necessarily directly involved in purchasing decision making, they still require the ability to work within the framework of an inventory and procurement department. As such, they must be adept at working with inventory control systems, MRP (Materials Resource Planning) software packages and have a solid understanding of inventory management approaches. Inventory clerks must take part in quarterly inventory counts to ensure the amount of parts and materials within inventory matches the company’s stated inventory levels within its MRP system.Education and training required for inventory clerksMost companies are quite lenient on the education required to be an inventory clerk. In most cases a high school degree is an absolute minimum. A post secondary education is always a plus. Many candidates take additional night courses at local community colleges to get a certificate or designation in inventory practices and management. However, most companies simply require the individual be meticulous, detail oriented and able to immediately capture mistakes.Salary and career opportunitiesWhile the salary is on the low end, it’s important to remember that the education required is quite minimal. Candidates aren’t required to spend large amount of money on their education and therefore don’t enter the position with large student debts. Typically salaries for entry level inventory clerks start anywhere from $25,000.00 to $30,000.00 per year. Over time, and with the proper experience and education, inventory clerks can easily expect to advance to higher paying positions in purchasing and inventory management.For anyone interested in starting off their career in inventory or procurement, becoming an inventory clerk is the perfect stepping stone. It provides individuals with in-depth knowledge of inventory practices and the importance of proper inventory counting practices.

Polynomial expression help you in the inventory of sales?


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Explain just in time?

Just-in-time is an inventory system that is considered lean. With just-in-time inventory, a business doesn't have inventory on hand for customers.

What is the scope of inventory management?

Inventory management helps businesses have the right products available for customers. Inventory management includes choosing the right suppliers for the business.

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A speech about hotel and restaurant management would include information on what it is like to be a manager. The speech should talk about responsibilities of the manager, such as inventory, hiring and firing employees, and serving customers.

What is a lockerstock program?

In a nutshell a lockerstock program is non-customer specific inventory. It is items where the inventory held is meant to feed various customers. As opposed to inventory that is built and held specifically to service a particular customer. Lockerstock is built and held to service more than one customer. Combining inventories allows the ability to service various customers from one SKU rather than have inventory for individual customers and various SKUs. In most cases, certain customers will have certain labelling requirements that will prevent them from being part of a lockerstock program, so it is not unusual for companies to have customer specific inventory along with their lockerstock inventory.

What is the definition of human resource inventory?

Human Resources Inventory is an inventory of skills of human resources currently employed in the organization. It tells management what individual employees can do. The profile of the human resource inventory can provide information for identifying current or future threats to the organization's ability to perform .It is necessary for a firm to identify the current capability and skills of their employees

What is the advantage of having wholesalers?

Because wholesalers buy in large quantities and delivering to customers in smaller amounts, they are able to perform physical distribution activities more effectively, including materials handling, warehousing, and inventory management.

Does inventory goes into the cash flow statement?

Yes, changes in inventory do appear in the cash flow statement. Inventory is a current asset, and changes in inventory, such as purchases or sales, have an impact on cash flow from operating activities. An increase in inventory is subtracted from net income to calculate cash provided by operating activities, while a decrease in inventory is added back to net income.

Major reason of carrying inventory?

Businesses usually store and carry inventory in order to meet their customers' delivery requirements, when procurement of either raw materials or finished goods takes 'too long' to satisfy customers.

What are good products for an IT inventory?

A good IT inventory will usually include computers and servers, as IT inventories are useful for keeping track of repair orders, customers, and other such things.

What is inventory cost?

Inventory cost is the cost for making of saleable goods to customers and include following items Material cost labor cost overhead cost

How do you do material requirement planning?

Material Requirements Planning (MRP) is a software based production planning and Inventory control system used to manage manufacturing processes. Although it is not common nowadays, it is possible to conduct MRP by hand as well. An MRP system is intended to simultaneously meet three objectives: * Ensure materials and products are available for productin and deliver to customers. * Maintain the lowest possible level of inventory. * Plan manufacturing activities, delivery schedules and purchasing activities. It is very important that the accuracy of your inventory, bills of material and unit of measure is at least 95%.