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Q: What do numbers under a note mean?
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If you mean the American unit of weight, 1,000,000 lbs.(Note the commas.)If you mean the British unit of money, £1.000.000 (Note the decimals.)

Does staccato mean played smoothly?

No, staccato is short and jumpy. It is shown by a dot under the note

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If you mean the set of non-negative integers ("whole numbers" is a bit ambiguous in this sense), it is closed under addition and multiplication. If you mean "integers", the set is closed under addition, subtraction, multiplication.

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'from 100' ??? If you mean 'less than 100' then there are 25 primes. If you mean 'more than 100' then the answer is infinite, just like numbers are infinite.

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The count of the numbers is 410+1+400 = 811. To get the sum of all these numbers note that all the positive numbers cancel with their negative counterparts and you are left only with the numbers from -410 to -401 (inclusive). The sum of these numbers is -4055. So their mean is Sum/Count = -4055/811 = -5.

What numbers go into 69?

I assume you mean, What numbers divide evenly into 69? or What are the factors of 69? The factors of 69 are 1, 3, 23, 69. Note that 3 and 23 are primes.

What is the recorder note for d?

a d note is right under the e note

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For two numbers, the geometric mean is the sort of their product. Note I use * to mean multiply So here GM= sqrt (128*8) = sqrt (1024) =32

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It means that the number is negative. Negative numbers are always under 0.

What do the numbers under the badge mean they change by player england cricket badge?

If a player had the number 201 under his badge, that would mean that he is the 201st player to play for England in that specific form of the game