A hole with two dimensions has no third dimension. → its volume is 6 ft × 10 in × 0 ft = 0 ft³ → You require NO concrete to fill a hole which is given as an area as it has NO volume.
None it's a hole
Anything from infinitesimal to infinite depending on how long the hole is!
Depends on the length of the hole.
There is none. Because there is a hole! If you are asking how much dirt can fill the hole, then your answer is 27 cubic feet.
Because of the water having to fill the boat up to sink it
First contact Buildings Moved to have the building moved. Their experts on sink hole site although they don'y fill in the hole.
A sinkhole can collect rainwater and create a depression that fills with water, forming a pond or lake. The water may also come from underground sources or be diverted from nearby streams or rivers. Over time, the sinkhole may deepen and enlarge, creating a stable water body.
Yes, you can fill in a hole, you can not fill out a hole
usaully an animal hole wont be to big and the ground around the sink hole may be soft.
The hole in the back of the sink is called an overflow hole. It helps prevent water from overflowing if the sink is filled too high.
The cast of Sink Hole - 2011 includes: Carey Burtt as Carey Sara Minisquero as Sink
How big is the kitchen sink
A lot of people do this. the best way to do it is to simply make the hole as close to the right size as you can, Put the pool in it, fill it, then back fill around the pool with a weak sand cement mix.
A hole. A hole in the ship's hull can cause it to take on water and eventually sink, even though the hole itself has no weight.
Fill it till it runs out of the fill hole. Again that's the FILL HOLE, not the DRAIN HOLE. They are separate.
The word "sinkhole" originates from the Middle Low German term "sinken" which means to sink, and "hohl" which means hole. It has been used in English since the 18th century to describe a depression or hole in the ground caused by the collapse of surface layer materials.