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Q: What do people mean by weak points?
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What are strong and weak points of a teacher?

There are many strong and weak points to any teacher. These points vary from teacher to teacher because everyone is unique.

What are your weekpoints?

sunday monday... kidding, you mean weak points right? look everybody has them and no body is perfect so dont try an say you dont have any. think of things about you that can be weak points but have no relevence to the job you are interviewing for. example- you dont get along well with people and are applying to a job where you work alone. if you want any specific help i need to know what the job is and what you think your real weakpoints are

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Please clarify your question. What people do you mean?

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a dick/penis

What are the strong and weak points of a teacher?

Strong points of a teacher include communication skills, subject knowledge, and the ability to inspire and motivate students. Weak points may include difficulty in adapting to new teaching methods, lack of patience, and struggles in managing classroom behavior.

How is the fight mastery in Mafia Wars accumilated?

By fighting anyone on mafia wars. But if you want to get more points - pick tougher targets: people above your level and people with 501 members. If you are picking weak players, it does not pay as much in terms of points.

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Where the weak points in the crust are.

What is a weakness called?

If you mean weak by your hurt its hurt, or damaged. If you mean weak by like not standing up for yourself its coward, or as in the terms people use sissy, sorry if I offended anyone.{PEACE}:O

What are the strong and weak points of ateacher?

Strong points of a teacher include passion for teaching, knowledge of the subject matter, and ability to inspire students. Weak points can include lack of patience, difficulty in adapting teaching methods, and communication issues.

What are the advantages if you are large and strong at the same time?

you can beat up small and weak mean people ..

What can you do with trust points and if you have 1 what does it mean?

You can't really do anything with trust points on this website, but, it can show you and other people how dedicated you are to the site, or it can mean that someone liked your contributions. The more trust points you have, the more people start to trust you, even if they are not a user on this site. If you have more trust points, when you answer questions, people are more likely to trust that your answers are credible.

What are some employee weak points?

Some common employee weak points may include poor time management, lack of communication skills, resistance to change, and difficulty working in a team.