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Q: What do people remember better colors words or numbers?
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What is the difference between 800 nand 888 numbers?

There's no real difference, both 888 and 800 numbers are toll free. The only actual difference is the number itself and that it's been shown people will remember 800 numbers more easily.

What is an average number?

Let's use an example: three people have three amounts of money. Fred has $7, Bill has $2, and Joesephine has $6. You add these numbers ($15), and divide it by three, as there is three people ($5). The average of these numbers is five. Remember, I never lie.

Would you weigh a truck with grams or kilograms?

Kilograms, gram's would be to large of a number and you should always try to have the smallest number possible, that way when you hare your numbers with other people this makes it easier for people to remember the numbers, because they don't have this extremely large number for them to remember. Now depending on who your sharing your information with, I suggest that if your sharing with people that are not scientist or people that send their information outside of the country, use your native conversion's. (For example: In the U.S.A use pounds not kilograms that's not what we use.)

What are people who are good at abstract reasoning good at?

Everything, it measures their basic intelligence pre knowledge, add knowledge or numbers and they'll be better at it and faster to grab concepts than people who are not strong in that area

How do people won win the lottery pick numbers?

Well most people pick their favourite numbers behind it. But other people use math and have a strong prediction of what the numbers are likely to be.

Related questions

When do people remember things better?

People probably remember things better when they have actually been involved in it.

Is it normal people with autism be obsessed with colors and numbers?

not really...................

Do people remember words or shapes better?


Do rowboats need numbers on side of boat?

No they don't, the reason they have numbers is because so people can remember them!

What is the memory device people us to help them remember the colors in the invisible spectrum?

One common memory device is the acronym "ROYGBIV," which stands for the colors of the visible light spectrum in order: Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, and Violet. This can help people remember the sequence of colors in the spectrum.

Do numbers have colors?

Many non-color items have a color that an individual person comes up with in his imagination.For instance, a lot of people "See" anger as red. In my imagination, I see bad breath as icky green and a headache as whitish-yellow, for example.As for numbers, no, they have no colors associated with them. But in my imagination I "see" colors for the single-digit numbers.

Which is better Kobe Bryant shoes or LeBron James shoes?

lebron James shoes are better. they have better styles colors and more people buy them.

Do people remember things better in color or in black and white?

People tend to remember things better in color because it adds more visual detail and realism to the memory. Colorful images are often more vivid and engaging, which can lead to stronger and more accurate recollection compared to black and white images.

If for better contrast light skinned people wear dark colors should dark skinned people wear light colors?

Wear whatever color that suits your mood or whatever color you like.

Why are seven colors in a rainbow?

Seven colors are traditionally identified in a rainbow because they correspond to the wavelengths of visible light, which can be separated and observed due to the dispersion of light as it passes through water droplets. These colors are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet.

Was the past better?

No, the past is not better or worse. Ofenly people remember more the good/better experiences of the past and repress the bad experience. This makes it seems that the past is better.

Do other people see colours when they think of numbers?

Some people do this but it is not common (1 in 2000 people). It is called "synesthesia". Synesthesia can involve any of the senses, sometimes link smells and colors or words/sounds and colors. It is believed it is a result of cross linkages in the brain.