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Q: What do polygons look like?
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How many regular polygons are there?

There are an infinite numberof regular polygons, though as the number of sides increases, the polygon begins to look more and more like a circle.

Which shapes have all sides equal?

All regular polygons. But there are also others which look like squashed versions of regular polygons. A "squashed" square makes a rhombus. Similarly there are squashed polygons with larger numbers of sides. They should be called equilateral polygons, but that phrase is not much used.

What all polygons look like and the name?

Polygons are closed two dimensional shapes which are bounded by three or more straight lines. There are infinitely many of them so it is not possible to name them all.

How does concave polygons look?

it caves in...type it in google images

How do Polygons work?

Like magnets.

What shapes are similar to a decagon?

There are a number of polygons that are similar to it but if you mean things that look like decagons than nonagon, undecagon, dodecagon, and octagon.

What does a 9-sided polygon look like?

A polygon have 4 or more sides. It has no gaps between it. Regular polygons usually have six or ten sides.

What do all polygons look like with their names?

They are named for the number of sides and angles their shape posses. For example, an octagon has both eight sides and angles.

How do polygons look like?

Polygons are plane (2 dimensional, or flat) figures that are bounded by three or more straight lines. The lines may or may not be of equal length, and the angles that each adjacent pair forms may be acute, right, obtuse or reflex.

What does it mean for two polygons to be congruent?

the two polygons are congruent if they are the same shape with the same measurements. If they can be flipped, rotated, and/or slid to look identical then they're congruent.

what is the name of polygons you given to a shape?

There are lots of different types of polygons Polygons are classified into various types based on the number of sides and measures of the angles.: Regular Polygons Irregular Polygons Concave Polygons Convex Polygons Trigons Quadrilateral Polygons Pentagon Polygons Hexagon Polygons Equilateral Polygons Equiangular Polygons

What are the features of polygons that allow them to be polygons?

a polygon has:no curved sidesclosedconnected, like no crossed lines that go beyond the angle