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Q: What do pro data basis mean?
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What does pro rata basis mean?

It means in direct proportion.

What does pro-rata basis mean?

The daily cost without any extra penalties.

What does vocabuarly mean?

Vocabulary is the data base of words that you use on an everyday basis.

What is prn basis?

prn means pro re nata in Latin. It means "in the circumstances" or "as the circumstance arises." Commonly used in health and medical fields to mean "as needed." So prn basis means on an as needed basis.

What pro data warentty for battery?

Pro Series limited data warranty for battery is offered by Dr.

What does no basis in fact mean?

"No basis in fact" means that a claim, statement, or argument is not supported by evidence, data, or reality. It suggests that there is no factual information or justification to back up the assertion being made.

Can you transfer files from filemaker pro to access 2007?

yes, export data as excel data from filemaker pro, and then import this one into access.

What is numercial data?

Numerical data is more on numbers. These numbers are the basis of the interpretation.

What do you mean by partioning in datawarehouse?

Data warehouse is a large repository of data. The data may or may not be of any use. Partitioning in Data warehouse can be done by forming clusters and then forming groups.Partitioning in datawarehouse can be done by forming clusters. Partitioning can be done on the basis of relation between the data.

What type of memory must have its data restored on a regular basis or it will be lost?

wha type of memory must have it's data restored on a regular basis or it will be lost

What are data basis?

ask your mom we dont know

What type of memory must have its data restored on a regular basis?

The memory inside of a DRAM chip must have its data restored on a regular basis. This is known as memory refresh.