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Quantitative observations involve quantinty or numbers .

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Q: What do quantitative observations always involve?
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What is the differences between the two types of observations?

Quantitative observations involve measurements or numerical data, while qualitative observations involve descriptions or characteristics that cannot be easily measured. Quantitative observations are more objective and can be analyzed statistically, while qualitative observations provide richer detail and insights but are more subjective.

What is a qualitative and quantitive observations?

Qualitative observations involve descriptions that cannot be measured with numbers, such as colors, textures, and smells. Quantitative observations involve measurements and numerical data, providing specific quantities or amounts.

What are the two types of observations?

The two types of observations are qualitative and quantitative. Qualitative observations are descriptive and based on qualities, while quantitative observations involve measurements and numerical data.

What is the definition for Quantitative Observation?

Quantitative observations are observations with numbers

What are qualitative vs quantitative observation?

Qualitative observations are descriptive and non-numerical, focusing on qualities like color, texture, or smell. Quantitative observations involve measurements and numerical data, such as weight, length, or temperature.

What is example of quantitative observation?

Quantitative observations involve numbers. An example would be the volume of 0.1M HCl needed to neutralise 25 ml of sodium hydroxide solution.

What is weant by qualitative observations and quantitative observations?

quantitative observations can be expressed in numerical terms while quantitative observations are based on your senses - what you can see, hear, smell, etc.

How do quantitative observations differ from qualitative observations?

quatitative observations have to do with QUANTITY and qualitative observations have to do with QUALITY.

Explain the difference between qualitive and quantitive observations?

Qualitative observations involve characteristics that can be observed but not measured, such as color or texture. Quantitative observations involve measurements or numerical data, such as weight or temperature.

What are types of observations?

There are two main types of observations: qualitative and quantitative. Qualitative observations are descriptive and involve characteristics such as color, texture, or shape. Quantitative observations are measurable and involve numerical data such as size, weight, or temperature.

What is the difference between quantitative and qualitative observations..?

Listen to the words qualitative and quantitativeand see the part where it is bold.Qualitative is the way of analysis to a substance through its quality, like reaction to a re-agent etc. (normally chemistry). Quantitative observation however is purely on quantity mass, mass/volume ratio etc. (normally physics).Basically, qualitative observations are descriptions that don't involve numbers or measurements, but, on the other hand, quantitative observations do.

What is the difference between quantitative and qualitative observations.?

Listen to the words qualitative and quantitativeand see the part where it is bold.Qualitative is the way of analysis to a substance through its quality, like reaction to a re-agent etc. (normally chemistry). Quantitative observation however is purely on quantity mass, mass/volume ratio etc. (normally physics).Basically, qualitative observations are descriptions that don't involve numbers or measurements, but, on the other hand, quantitative observations do.