

What do slugs look like?

Updated: 11/1/2022
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14y ago

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A slug is really just a snail without a shell. If you don't know what a snail looks like, go to images on Google and type in snails.

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i think slugs, they look like slugs but without any shells!

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No. They look more like lobsters.

Do slugs suck blood?

No. The usual garden slugs eat vegetation. Leeches, on the other hand, do suck blood, and they look a lot like slugs.

Do slugs suck blood at all?

No. The usual garden slugs eat vegetation. Leeches, on the other hand, do suck blood, and they look a lot like slugs

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i had a miscarriage a few years ago and it was like 2 giant slugs it was heartbreaking

What blows slugs up?

Outside of an explosive like a firework, nothing 'blows' slugs up. However, salt does damage and often kill slugs.

Do slugs like to be in containers?

No they like freedom to move.

Where do slugs like to be?

Slugs and snails like to be in wet, soggy places. They usually creep out when it has been a rainy day, or night. They like it in swamps, and wet grass too.

What is slugs place like?

the heap of leaves

What do slugs like to eat best?


How do slugs stick to walls?

they adapt in there as it is normally cold and wet and slugs like cold wet places.