One M was for Forrest E. Mars Sr., and the other M was for Bruce Murrie, son of long-term Hershey president William F.R. Murrie.
The initials in the name of the A & M record company refer to its founders, trumpeter Herb Alpert and composer Jeff Moss. Thy formed the company in 1962.
I am 99% certain that M and R are on the coins, because they are the initials of the Danish Queen, Dronning Margrethe Rex (rex means king in latin, I think)
The initials a.m. stand for ante meridian, Latin for "before noon." The initials p.m. stand for post meridian, Latin for "after noon."
There are some different ideas on the initials WRT stands for. However, most of people agree with the idea that the meaning of the initials WRT stands for With Regard To.
The initials apr stands for annual percentage rate. Used when borrowing money , basically the interest that will be tacked on to the money your borrow.
Isle of Man
Mars & Murrie
what does ARAM stand for
What do the initials n.u.t
TDM stands for (T)eam (D)eath (M)atch. Most abbreviation's are just the initials so try and guess the initials.
what do the initials TAB stand for in the TAB injection
The country initials "ZIM" stand for Zimbabwe.
HP Lovecraft's initials stand for Howard Phillips.
The initials PBR can stand for many things. One thing that they stand for is pro bull riding.
It stand for rescuestopanimalcrueality
The MDT initials stand for Certified in Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy of the Spine.