Numerals are symbols used to represent numbers.
Variables (letters like x and y)
Hindu-Arabic Numeral
they represent the number of protons the element has and what is their charge
Numerals are symbols used to represent numbers.
Chemical Formula
hmmm hard one .................................................................................................................................................................................i duno
Symbols used to represent unspecified numbers or values.
The lectern symbols represent the different levels of importance or priority of the information being presented. Typically, symbols include stars, exclamation marks, arrows, or numbers to indicate the significance of the content.
No, they do not. Although it is using letters to represent numbers, Roman numbers are fixed symbols, unlike letters in algebra which represent variables.
Numerals are different Numbers as for hieroglyphs are symbols used to represent numbers.
A radix is the number of distinct symbols used to represent numbers in a particular base.
Variables (letters like x and y)