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Nicholas Mraz

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Q: What do the numbers on the bottom of the jars mean?
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What do the numbers on pink Lamb Mason Jars mean I have four jars and their numbers are 3 9 13 and 18?

The numbers found on Lamb Mason jars, and all Mason jars, are mold numbers. The numbers 3,9,13, and 18 would be the number of the mold the jars were made from. The jar originally started out as clear but as it aged it would turn pink.

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What jars? Do you mean the ancient egyptian canopic jars? In that case it would be: liver, lungs, stomach, intestines.

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How old is a ball perfect mason jar with 8 on the bottom?

A Ball Mason jar with a number 1 on the bottom is not very old. The 1 on the bottom denotes the type of recycling the jar requires if one is to recycle it. Recycling was not a big factor in manufacturing until the late 1970's. CORRECT ANSWER: I'm sorry but your answer is very incorrect. There have never been numbers on glass to denote recycling needs. Glass is glass. The numbers you refer to are on plastics. The number on the bottom of most jars indicates the mold number and/or, on the much older jars, the mold blower's ID and count references.

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They indicate what printing the book is on.

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You are just multiPlying the top two number then the bottom two numbers

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Blue Perfect Mason canning jars with the number 2 marked on the bottom are typically valued between $10 to $20, depending on the condition and rarity of the jar. Collectors often pay a premium for jars in good condition with clear glass and minimal defects.

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