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Q: What do the numbers on the left side of the graph stand for?
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What do the numbers along the left side of the graph represent?

The Y-axis

How does a line graph work?

With a line graph you use lines. You put numbers at the bottom of the graph and numbers on the side. In other words the bottom numbers are on the x axis and the numbers on the side are on the y axis. Then when you have the dots on the graph you connect them and then it makes a line.

What are the numbers on the side of a graph called?


What do misleading graphs contain?

They usually contain a "break" in the graph, which would be on the left side of the graph.

What is a series of numbers placed at fixed distances on the side of a graph?

The scale

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Generally, if you are facing the altar of the church, the bride is on the left.

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Why not ?

Do books have evan numbers on left or right side?

Left side

What is a set of numbers placed at fixed distances on the side of a graph?

Is that the 'scale'?

Why does Sheva Alomar stand on the right side on the screen when the rest of the characters stand on the left?

In "Resident Evil 5," Sheva Alomar typically stands on the right side of the screen because the game uses a cooperative gameplay system where the first player (Chris Redfield) is usually on the left side, while the second player (Sheva) is on the right. This positioning allows both players to have a clear view of their surroundings and work together effectively.

Where is the y-axis on a graph?

The Y-axis is located on the left side of a four sided graph. It is going in a vertical direction.

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