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Q: What do the quotation marks mean in math?
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Do you use a quotation mark in math?

If you mean these quotation marks " when written after a number then they stand for inches, if you mean this type of mark ' then that means feet. If you mean something else then I'm sorry I can't help.

Where do you put a period at the end of quotation marks or in the quotation marks?

In the quotation marks.

What does the quotation mark mean in math?


What symbol tells you the material is quoting?

"..." Quotation marks.

How do you use the word already in quotation marks?

If a word is in quotation marks, and you're quoting it, use single quotation marks to indicate an embedded quotation.

What punctuation are put around a spoken word?

Quotation marks are used around spoken words to indicate dialogue in written text.

What do you not put in quotation marks?

Quotation marks should not be used when blockquoting.

Do you need quotation when it something you said using the I statement?

Typically, if the words are your own you do not need to enclose them in quotation marks. However, if you specifically mean the words to be understood as dialogue, you should put quotation marks around them.

When is it okay not to use quotation marks with a quotation?

Never. You should always have quotation marks sorrounding a quote.

Do you write the name of a TV series in quotation marks or in italics?

Quotation Marks

In a dialogue what punctuation is put around the spoken word?

Quotation marks are put around the spoken words in a dialogue.

Would a chapter be underlined or quotation marks?

yes so you know what they mean