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If you see vertical lines on a bill payment envelope, they are located on the bottom. The bar code allows the U.S. Postal Service to mechanically sort the mail which saves them time and money.

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Q: What do the vertical lines on a bill payment envelope mean?
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How could you use remit in a sentence?

When I remit this last payment, I will own my car outright.When you are ready to pay this bill, please remit the full amount to me.

What is 4 percent 25th prox net 60?

These are accounts receivable and accounts payable terms. "4% 25th prox" means that the payer of this invoice will be granted a 4% discount (usually excluding freight costs) if the bill is paid by the 25th of the next month. "Net 60" means that the full invoice is due 60 days after the invoice date. On a Receivables side, it is important to save envelopes of incoming payments which have NOT met the discount deadline, to document when a payment was mailed. Part of the Payables/Receivables cat-and-mouse game is for a customer (the payer) to PRINT a check in time to deduct the discount - but not MAIL it until the customer has funds to cover it. The vendor (seller who is owed the money) has offered the discount if paid according to the terms, and if the payer does not honor the terms, the payer forfeits the discount. In a dispute, the remittance envelope proves the payment date. In reality, if the payer usually pays timely and is otherwise a good customer, the vendor will grant the discount. It's all negotiable.

Is Bill a compound word?

No, bill is not a compound word.

Size of a dollar bill?

The dollar bill or any bill are 2.61 inches wide and 6.14 inches long.

Is there such thing as a zero dollar bill?

No there is no such thing as a zero dollar bill. And if you thought there is such thing as a 20 dollar bill, there is such a thing!

Related questions

What do the vertical lines at the top of a bill payment envelope mean?

may be you are talking about ''barcode''. the barcode is used so the post office can process the letter/parcel free of charge, usually has free postage within same country on it as well. in short its free to send it (unless its a prepay letter)

What is the mailing address to pay State Farm?

You would send your payment to the location indicated on your bill. Sending it to an incorrect office would only delay crediting the payment to your account. If you can't find that address on your bill or the return envelope (usually postage-paid), try calling the customer service number listed on the bill.

Where should a payment be sent for a department store credit?

It depends on what store and what credit plan you have. If it is a credit card company like VISA or MasterCard: When most credit card companies send you a bill, they enclose a return envelope that already has the address printed on it. If they don't supply the envelope, they will at least have the address somewhere with the bill. If you have a credit agreement with a specific store and you are just supposed to send the payment without receiving a monthly bill, they should have given you the address when you took out the loan. If not, go back to the store and ask them.

What is mean bill met on meturity?

It means that bill is cleared or payment is made when bill payment date arrived.

What is bill payment?

A payment of money for someting, e.g.dinner at a restaurant

Is net 30 payment from date of bill or receipt of bill?

from date of bill

What do you mean by invoice bill?

An invoice is a record of purchase and a bill is a document demanding payment of something, so an invoice bill would logically be demanding payment from a purchase of something.

What is the entry for bill disconting dishonour?

The entry for a bill discounting to be dishonored is made when the drawee refuses to accept or make payment on the bill. It is dishonored by non-acceptance or non-payment.

How do you pay a bill?

Usually you write a check and send it back with the return envelope in the mail. It is becoming more common to pay bills online though, and to do that you usually type in your check or bank information to the payment site (the company you need to pay) and do it all electronically.

What is the phone number to bill payment processing center in Sioux Falls sd?

what is the phone number to the bill payment processing center in Sioux Falls South Dakota

What does debit mean on a gas bill?

On a bill a debit is a charge, while a payment is a credit.

What is the meaning of payment due date, minimum amount due, and last bill due in a credit card?

A payment due date is the day that a minimum payment is due on a credit card bill. The minimum amount due is the smallest amount of money that must be paid in order to avoid a late payment fee. The last bill due is the date of the previous month's credit card bill.