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The main use for the golden ratio is its aesthetic appeal - in art and architecture. Rectangles with the golden ratio as their aspect appeal to the human mind (for some reason). So various aspects of the Parthenon in Athens, for example, have dimensions whose ratio is phi.

Phi is closely related to the Fibonacci sequence: the ratio of successive terms of the sequence approaches phi and so, just like the Fibonacci sequence, phi appears in many natural situations.

However, there is no particular application based on phi.

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Q: What do we use the golden ratio also known as phi for?
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What is divine proportion in math?

The divine proportion, also known as the Golden Ratio and symbolised by the Greek letter, phi, is [1+sqrt(5)]/2 = 1.6180, approx.

How is the golden ratio worked out?

(a+b)/a=a/b=phi (the golden ratio, as defined) (a+b)/a=phi (we'll solve this equation) 1+b/a=phi (just changing the form of the left side a little) 1+1/phi=phi (a/b=phi so b/a=1/phi) phi+1=phi2 (multiply both sides by phi) phi2-phi-1=0 (rearrange) From here, we can use the quadratic equation to find the positive solution: phi=(-b+√(b2-4ac))/(2a) phi=(1+√(1+4))/2 phi=(1+√5)/2≈1.618

What number is phi?

In mathematics, phi represents the Golden Ratio. Two numbers are in the Golden Ratio if the ratio of the smaller to the larger number is the same as the ratio of the larger number to the sum of the two.Thus, is a and b are the two numbers and a < b, thenif a/b = b/(a+b), the two ratios equal phi.phi is irrational and = [1 + sqrt(5) ]/2 = 1.618034 approx.Alternatively, phi is the positive root of the quadratic x^2 - x - 1 = 0The ratio has aesthetically pleasing properties and has been used extensively by artists and architects. Also, the A4 family of paper as well as the B series, have sides in the phi ratio.

Which ratio is known as the golden ratio?

The Golden Ratio denoted by the Greek letter phi, usually lower case (&Iuml;&dagger;) states that the division of a line segment into two creates a ratio of the shorter part to the longer equal to that of the longer to the whole. This can be solved, using algebra, to give &Iuml;&dagger; = (1 + &acirc;&circ;&scaron;5)/2= 1.61803 approx.

How does the golden ratio relate to platonic solids?

The golden ratio, phi occurs many places in the platonic solids. The dihedral angle on the dodecahedron is 2*atan(phi), and the dihedral angle on the icosahedron is 2*atan(phi2) or 2*atan(phi + 1). The mid radius of the dodecahedron is similarly phi2/2 or (phi + 1)/2, and the mid radius on the icosahedron is phi/2. There are several other measures within Platonic solids which involve phi.

Related questions

What number is the golden ratio?

The golden ratio, or golden mean, or phi, is about 1.618033989. The golden ratio is the ratio of two quantities such that the ratio of the sum to the larger is the same as the ratio of the larger to the smaller. If the two quantities are a and b, their ratio is golden if a &gt; b and (a+b)/a = a/b. This ratio is known as phi, with a value of about 1.618033989. Exactly, the ratio is (1 + square root(5))/2.

What is the substitute word for golden ratio?

The Greek letter 'Phi', (also notated '&#981;')

What is the symbol for the golden ratio?

&#981; (PHI)

What the significance of golden ratio?

The golden ratio (or Phi) is a ratio that is very commonly found in nature. For instance, some seashells follow a spiraling path at the golden ratio.

What is divine proportion in math?

The divine proportion, also known as the Golden Ratio and symbolised by the Greek letter, phi, is [1+sqrt(5)]/2 = 1.6180, approx.

What is the cosine of phi?

phi = [(1+sqrt(5)]/2 = 1.6180, the golden ratio. cosine(phi) = -0.0472 approx.

What does phi stand for?

In math, Phi, or the Golden ratio is approximatly 1.6180339887.Otherwise, Phi is how you pronounce a greek letter.

How you can use Phi in a human body?

The Greek letter Phi is used to represent the Golden ratio. Some scientists believe that the Golden ratio plays a part in the perception of human beauty, so if one is considering cosmetic surgery, one may want to take the Golden ratio into account.

What does the phi symbol mean?

The phi symbol (Φ) represents the golden ratio, which is a mathematical ratio of approximately 1.618. It is often found in nature, art, and architecture for its aesthetically pleasing proportions.

How is the golden ratio worked out?

(a+b)/a=a/b=phi (the golden ratio, as defined) (a+b)/a=phi (we'll solve this equation) 1+b/a=phi (just changing the form of the left side a little) 1+1/phi=phi (a/b=phi so b/a=1/phi) phi+1=phi2 (multiply both sides by phi) phi2-phi-1=0 (rearrange) From here, we can use the quadratic equation to find the positive solution: phi=(-b+&radic;(b2-4ac))/(2a) phi=(1+&radic;(1+4))/2 phi=(1+&radic;5)/2&asymp;1.618

Are the Torus the Vector equilibrium the Phi spiral or Fractals related?

The Torus vector equilibrium is a vortex by which nature forms energy into matter. The Phi spiral also known as the Golden ratio is commonly found in nature. At this time there is no link between the torus vector equilibrium and the phi spiral, although a link between the two has not been disproved.

What number is phi?

In mathematics, phi represents the Golden Ratio. Two numbers are in the Golden Ratio if the ratio of the smaller to the larger number is the same as the ratio of the larger number to the sum of the two.Thus, is a and b are the two numbers and a < b, thenif a/b = b/(a+b), the two ratios equal phi.phi is irrational and = [1 + sqrt(5) ]/2 = 1.618034 approx.Alternatively, phi is the positive root of the quadratic x^2 - x - 1 = 0The ratio has aesthetically pleasing properties and has been used extensively by artists and architects. Also, the A4 family of paper as well as the B series, have sides in the phi ratio.