I assume you mean 5 and 025 (but I'll answer for.025 also). 5 milligrams is larger than 0.025mg. However 5mg is smaller than 025 milligrams.
Triangle is a shape with three sides.
0.05, 0.5, 5.2 and 025.
025 is the same as 25 which is greater than 5
No, it is not a mathematical term.
It is: .025 times 80 = 2
ruq voyrqieu yure
I assume you mean 5 and 025 (but I'll answer for.025 also). 5 milligrams is larger than 0.025mg. However 5mg is smaller than 025 milligrams.
.025 is thicker than .012
maths is boring why u asking this
Fear of Mathematics falls under Arithmophobia.
Need the model. the folowinjg are 6.5NH models. these are most of the plugs onan uses. Different models can be different than these so call Cummins Northwest as they build the onan. Spec A & D -- RH8C or H8C Gap .025 Spec J & K -- RN5C or N5C Gap .025 6.5 NH-3CR-16004N -- RN5C or N5C Gap .025 6.5 NH/3CR/16004P -- RS17YX Gap .025