

Best Answer

I believe Parrellel lines.....Examples:

Parrallel lines: l l

Perpindicular lines: L

Intercrossing lines (or whatever theyre called) x

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Q: What do you call 2 angles across from each other?
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Angles across from each other equal to each other?

Vertical Angles

Are vertical angles adjacent angles?

No vertical angles are across from each other & adjacent angles are beside but opposite from each other.

How do you construct adjacent congruent angles?

Draw to lines intersecting each other. The angles across from each other will be both congruent and adjacent

What are opposite angles?

Opposite angles are angles across from each other in intersecting lines. For example, see the figure below:a-> X

Two angles across from each other that will always be congruent are called?

opposite or vertical angles

What makes a pair of angles vertical angles?

Vertical angles occur when 2 angles are directly across from each other and are congruent.

What are two angles which are across from each other and have the same measurements?

Vertically opposite angles, or vert. opp. angles for short.

When two lines intersect they form four angles the angle across from each other are?

When two lines intersect, the angles across from each other are called vertically opposite angles, or just opposite angles. Opposite angles are equal to one another. See 'related links' below.

What are 2 angles that are across from each other 3 words?

usually they are just called vertical angles

What are angles that share a vertex but are across from each other?

It might be a right angle not really sure

When two lines intersect they form four anglesthe angle across from each other are?

The opposite angles are equal angles. The adjacent angles are supplementary (add to 180°)

What do you call angles formed opposite each other when two lines intersect?
