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Those are called twin primes. Examples are 11 and 13; or 107 and 109.

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Q: What do you call 2 prime numbers separated by one composite?
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What do you call two prime numbers that are separated by only one composite number?

"3" and "5".

What do you call a number that is not composite and not prime?

There is no name for such numbers.

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What do you call a number that isn't prime or composite?

There is no specific name for such numbers.

What do you call only whole numbers greater than 1 that is not a prime number?

Composite numbers

If 0 and 1 are not composite or prime numbers then what are they?

First, zero is not applied to the terms prime and composite because the definitions only apply to natural numbers (positive whole numbers, which does not include zero). One is not prime or composite because one is the unit that is used within the definition of prime of composite numbers, and many definitions of prime and composite even exclude one from the definition. If you want to categorize one within a discussion of prime and composite, it is common to simply call one the unit.

What do you call one if it is not a prime or composite number?

The property of prime or composite is not defined for the number 1, just as it is not defined for any number that has a fractional part. There are no special names for numbers that are not prime nor composite.

What do you call a number with 1 factor a prime or composite?

All numbers, (except 1) have at least two factors: 1 and the number itself. So, there are no numbers, besides 1, with only 1 factor. And 1 is neither prime nor composite.

What do you call a number that is not a prime number?


What is a composite number that can be exspressed as a product of its?

When a composite number is expressed as the product of its prime factors, we call that the prime factorization.

What do you call numbers with more than 2 different factors?

It is a composite number and a number with only two factors is a prime number

Why are these call composite numbers?

Numbers which has other factors aside from 1 and themselves are called composite numbers.