It's quite acceptable to call it a 38-agon but what's more important is knowing how to work out its properties.
The name of a sided polygon is Octaconpentagon.
The name of a 18 sided polygon is Octadecagon.
The name of a 56 sided polygon is Hexapentacontagon.
The name of a 700 sided polygon is Hexahectagon.
a 500 sided polygon is call a Pentahectagon... i believe
A 38-sided polygon is called a triacontakaioctagon. The naming convention for polygons follows the Greek numerical prefixes for the number of sides, in this case "tri" for 3 and "contakai" for 10, along with the suffix "-gon" for polygon. Therefore, a 38-sided polygon is a triacontakaioctagon.
icosihenagon= 21-sided polygon icosihenagon= 21-sided polygon
The name of a sided polygon is Octaconpentagon.
Providing that it is a regular 38 sided polygon then each interior angle will measure: 170o31'34.74''
The name of a 18 sided polygon is Octadecagon.
The name of a 45 sided polygon is Tetraconpentagon.
The name of a 7 sided polygon is Heptagon.
The name of a 10 sided polygon is Decagon.
The name of a 8 sided polygon is Octagon.
The name of a 33 sided polygon is riacontakaitrigon.
A 10-sided polygon is called a decagon.
The name of a 262 sided polygon is dihectrahexacontadigon.