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Q: What do you call a colum and a row when they intercept on a sreadsheet?
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Starting with Column 3 Row 4 ending at Colum 12 Row 6.

How do you spell colum?

The correct spelling is column (support post, vertical row, or a line of marching soldiers).

What do you call a border to the bottom of a row?

row boundary

What do you call a group of chair?

a row of chairs

Cheat codes for soduko in millsberry?

no there is not a cheat code. but, just make sure no shapes are repeated in the same row, colum, or box and it is same for each level, i hope this helped.

What do you call a row of posts?

a fence

What do you call a row of semi trucks?

A row of semi trucks. There isn't a specific name for it.

What do we call the numbers that cannot be arranged into 2-row arrays?

we can call the number that cannot be arranged into 2- row arrays multiple arrays.

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saints row the 3rd

What do you call three houses in a row?

terraced housing

What do you call somebody spends 20 years in the 24th row of a theater?

You call somebody who spends 20 years in the 24th row of a theater someone living in "x" aisle.